The meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m. New members MC and Anne Marie were introduced. There were 22 ladies in attendance. Cathy volunteered to take notes. A motion was made by Jeanne, seconded by Peggy to approve Minutes of the July meeting. The motion passed with no changes
Kate gave the Treasurer’s Report and noted the balance of our account. The check for ½ of the fees for the Suzanne Wingate class will be issued. We currently have 31 paid members.
Joan, the Nominating Chair sent the following motion: “Upon consideration of and consultation with available candidates, all of whom consent to serve, the Nominating Committee submits the following slate of officers for the years 2024-2026: President - Linda Maddox; Vice President - Anne Brandt; Treasurer - Kate Shaw; Secretary - Cathy Vergo If there are no other nominations from the floor, the Nominating Committee makes a motion that this slate of officers be confirmed by the membership.” The motion was moved by Peggy, seconded by Marsha and enthusiastically and unanimously voted for approval. The ladies were thanked for their willingness to be in a leadership role.
The Annual Luncheon information was shared by Anne. It will be at Cedar Creek Club on Thursday, September 19th and begin at 11:30. A menu with prices and several choices of entrees will be presented at the club. The tiny quilt challenge to be held at the Annual Luncheon was explained by Marsha. The size is less than 24 square inches and can be any item made from fabric. The group approved $35 for Marsha to purchase a prize for the winner. Participants are requested to put their item in a sealed brown paper bag, unidentified, and give it to Marsha any time prior to the luncheon or bring it on that day.
The upcoming Social Event, hosted by Jeanne at Fairfield Lake is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th beginning at 5:00 p.m. Members are welcome to bring a guest who might be interested in joining us and spouses/significant others. BYOB and an hors d'oeuvres to share. A sign up sheet was circulated.
Linda sent around a sign-up sheet for the Suzanne Wingate class scheduled on Thursday, August 22 to be held at the church. Hours are 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. There are currently 16 members participating. A sewing machine, your sewing supplies and ½ yard of background fabric in addition to any other fabric you wish to use will be needed. Bring your sack lunch. The group previously approved half of Suzanne's fee per participant plus mileage to be paid from the treasury and the participant will pay the other half personally.
Linda then explained the Flannel Blanket program CQ participates in each year to help fill the Senior Center Christmas Baskets. Each blanket is 1 ½ yard of fabric, double sided and stitched around the edge. Linda has purchased flannel and has the kits available. It was noted that some members purchase their own fabric as well. A total of 75-110 blankets are usually donated by CQ.
Show and Tell included a baby quilt finished by Robbin and a framed fabric art picture by Margie.
Old business was addressed when Sue asked to review the quilt square design being made by members for next year’s raffle quilt. Kate has the fabric and it will be available at future meetings. Extra patterns are available.
New Business included information shared by Margie regarding an open house at the Bascom in Highlands that features art for display from members of the Bascom during August 31-November 3.. Margie has the framed picture mentioned above on display and it was chosen for the publicity postings.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
August 22 Suzanne Wingett workshop
August 27 Social at Fairfield Lake
August 29 Raffle quilt star blocks due
September 5
September 12
September 19 Annual Luncheon
September 26
October 3
October 10
October 17 Business Meeting
Margie's finished Happy Village, which she sold at an art show!